Fenix Rage is buttloads of fun. I’m currently swamped with workstuffs, but that didn’t prevent me from accidentally dedicating 30 minutes of my life to it. I mean, the game is insanely addicting and I most definitely found myself raging. To be specific, I would rage quit. Wait a few seconds. Boot it back up. Rage quit. Boot it back up. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. (And I was on the beginner levels.)
SO! I have Steam codes for five of you! Also, if you like what you see but would rather play on a console, never fear! Fenix Rage is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and Vita in 2015. <3
You know the drill — enter the Rafflecopter yonder! (AKA below.) I’m working remotely this week, but I’ll do my very best to hand the codes out tomorrow morning.
Awesome. yeah I do rage quit
battle through it like a true klingon warrior, of course
I’ve been known to rage quit a time or two.
I love rage-inducing games, so count me in!
I battle through whenever I can.
I rage quit… a lot
Its game time!
We rage quit
I try to battle through! Even when playing Surgeon Simulator… though it’s easy to ragequit that game!