I had the EXTREME pleasure of briefly meeting Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, Creative Director and Game Director of The Last of Us. And by “briefly meeting” I mean I went to their panel and got their autographs. And in my book that totally counts, so don’t rain on my parade. DON’T DO IT.
I’m obviously keeping one of the bigger posters for myself (and, you know, I’m holding onto my game) but you’re more than welcome to one of the other posters. I’ll be giving them away throughout the month, starting with one of the little dudes!
Want it? You know the drill. Enter below!
Is it weird how often I wish to live in one of these universes? I would seriously live in Last Of Us land just because it seems like the sort of place where ADVENTURE ABOUNDS. Also, Zombies.
And I’d name a clicker “clack.”
I would name my Pet Click Fluffy, I would pet him, hug him, love him and call him Fluffy.
This would look GREAT next to my game you gave me!!!!
I would name my pet Clicker Pickles <3
also, my husband would lose it if I gave this to him.
Bitey because he bites you to show he cares about you :)
My pet clicker would be name Croak.
I’d name my Clicker Neil. Neil Armstrong.
If I had a Clicker pet. I would name them Freckles
I’d name him Speck.
The best name ever: James Hargreaves.
I would name my Clicker, “Mote” short for Remote XD
I’ve never been good naming pets/creatures. This is why I have never once given any of my Pokemon a nickname.
Thus, I would name my Clicker ‘Clicker’.
It also counts in my book too. Keep up the good work!
I would name my clicker “Order”, than change my name to “Law” . We would become “Law & Order”.
hmm idk what a pet clicker means but imma say bob
id name mine cutie pie ;)
I’d name him Sherlock.
I would name him willy.
“Clickers are cute.” Huh…
I would name it Toad. Like from Mario. Get it?
Janet ;)
Thaddeus lol
I would of course name my clicker “Remote”. I hate when people call remotes “clickers” so of course I have to flip that on its head.
Fungus. I would name it fungus…can I has poster now? c:
Brittney… :D
clicky mcclickerson
I would love to win this for my gf
Sir Clicks-a-lot would be his name for sure.
“If you had a pet Clicker, what would you name it?” Cuddles. It doesn’t matter what I do, every time I try to walk ANYWHERE he tries to cuddle my neck, so cute!
I would name him Snoopy. :)
I would name it Fresser :]
I’d name it Spot.
Honestly didn’t think the clickers would freak me out but they did.
I’d call it Charles…cause it’s in charge.
Clicky Clickerson
Obviously Mastodon Ruffles would be his name.
Cob the Clicker
Clicker Snicker!
And the winner is!?!?!?!