We’re Not Dead Sitrep


Hey there, fellow We’re Alive and undead loving friends!

Nik and I have received several inquiries as to the status of the We’re Not Dead Podcast, and understandably so. We haven’t released in episode in quite some time, and even when an episode is recorded yours truly — the so-called host — is often MIA. (Before I go any further I must commend and give major props to Nik for taking the reins in my absence. Let’s all give Nik a collective “THANK YOU!”)

Being a fan of We’re Alive is one of my favorite things to be. And while I love hosting a podcast about a podcast, it’s just not as simple as it sounds. Anyone who hosts a podcast can and likely will tell you about the amount of work that goes into a show. Of course there are several podcasts that are recorded on the whim with little to no prep and turn out AMAZING, but on a podcast like We’re Not Dead that’s simply something that cannot be done.

Just to give you an idea, here’s what a usual session looks like:

  • Collaborate with Nik to figure out a day we can record. This often requires schedule shifting on one or both of our ends.
  • Find a guest who can record on those dates at those times
  • Listen to the We’re Alive episode. Listen again.  Aaaagain. And again because it’s that damn good
  • Scour the forums. This entails reading every entry and copying certain thoughts/theories/comments into Word
  • Organize said thoughts and convert them from a jumbled mess into an organized document
  • Jot down specific talking points to bring up with Nik and/or guests
  • Check and manage WND specific inboxes for reader/listener mail
  • Record the actual podcast! A baby We’re Not Dead is born!

On average, you’re looking at a rough total of four hours of work — and I hate calling it “work”  because it’s fun — from release of We’re Alive to release of We’re Not Dead. While that’s not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, the issue is finding the free time to do it. And we’re simply not finding it, which is why there hasn’t been a reliable release schedule in forever and a half.

This stings more than a bite to the buttcheek, but Nik and I have decided that the best course of action at the moment is to put the podcast on a semi-permanent hiatus. (I say semi-permanent because permanent – permanent is too fucking permanent for my taste.) The reality is that Nik, with all of the fabulous and exciting changes in his life, no longer has the freedom to pick up a mic and record whenever he pleases.  I, with my growing website and perseverance to chase dreams, also find myself unable to pick up a mic and record at the drop of Lizzy’s pants.

I love We’re Not Dead. And Nik loves We’re Not Dead. We want to stress that this isn’t nor has it ever been an issue of losing passion for We’re Alive and We’re Not Dead; it’s simply an issue of not having the free time that we once had the privilege of having.

But never fear (in case you were, you know, afraid or something) because in no way are we done interacting with fellow We’re Alive fans. We may not have time to host a podcast every week, but we still want to host contests, discussions and other We’re Alive/WND shenanigannry on our Facebook page. We both value the friendships and relationships We’re Not Dead has granted us, and we would be bigger idiots than we already are if we threw those away.

You’ll still see my dorky ass at We’re Alive events and I’m committed to being as involved as I can be in the We’re Alive universe. (If that means stalking and climbing into Kc and Blaire’s windows and holding them hostage until Nurse Britt resurfaces, so be it. I KNOW WHERE THEY LIVE!)I know Nik is going to try to be as cool as I am and also attend events, but I might ban him just to be a douche. Could be fun. (JUST KIDDING I DON’T HAVE THAT KIND OF POWER U___u)

Again, this isn’t a goodbye! You’ll see us all over the We’re Not Dead Facebook page. Send us Facebook messages. Post on our wall. Call us names. WE DON’T CARE JUST INTERACT WITH US.

Until then, feel free to shoot us a Tweet or friend us on Facebook. And don’t forget about the We’re Alive forums!

We’re Not Dead’s Facebook Page

Nik’s Twitter

Britt’s Twitter

Britt’s Facebook

We’re Alive forums


  1. You forgot about the editing… which I know you outsource, but that’s at least another 1-3 hours of work.

    I would know, I did one of them.

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