HEY! Don’t look at me like that. I can’t remember the last time I made a “OMG X VIDEOGAME CHARACTER IS SO HOT!” post! (And NO, the Dark Link cosplay photos I posted yesterday don’t count because that’s a Nintendo franchise.) (Wait, what?)
Anyway, I try to make a point to stalk Louvette‘s deviantART every few months or so to see what’s new and exciting on her page, and I recently checked it out and HELLO amazeballness. For serious, this chick is insanely talented and if I could pay her a million dollars to make a custom Alistair/Britt photo I totally would.
But never fear, dear readers of the male variety, for I have not forgotten about you NOR has Louvette.
(Although, I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to continue looking at photos of BioWare’s top men, but whatever, that’s your prerogative.)
See? Don’t you feel so much better now that you’ve received your bi-monthly (or so) dose of Dragon Age and Mass Effect goodness? I feel like I just stuck a syringe of awesomeness into your ass and injected you.
You’re welcome.
Fan service makes any day better
DAT KAIDAN. *fans self* I LOVE Louvette’s work! It’s beyond amazing. As a Nathaniel Howe fangirl, I just about died when I saw her Nathaniel piece.
REALLY? Nathaniel? FASCINATING. Tell me more. <3.
Well since you (your words) are never gettingnlaid again. You should print that one of kaidan at bannersonthecheap and put it above your bed.
LOL! Omg. Brilliant, Alex, BRILLIANT!
I don’t mine the pics but you’ll have to ask permission before comming near my ass with that thing again…
Haahahahaha, fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
is it wrong to be a little turned on by this?
NO. It’s what is supposed to happen.