Bethesda Is Hosting An E3 Press Conference

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…AAAAAAAAAND the entire internet explodes.

So, what could Bethesda POSSIBLY be up to? Well let’s see — Bethesda is known for Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Doom, The Evil Within, Dishonored, Wolfenstein, Rage…am I forgetting something else? In any case, the fact alone that Bethesda is having their very own, cherry-poppin’ E3 conference is exciting enough to get the ol’ cogs turning in me’ head.

I would love, LOVE to see something new for the Dishonored series. The probability that we’ll hear news on Fallout 4 is sorta-kinda a given, and it would be swell to see a new IP or two. Oh. And an announcement on the next Elder Scrolls game. Yeah. That would make me fap for eternity.

Of course, there’s (obviously) a chance we’ll get something new on Doom and maybe an Elder Scrolls Online expansion?!

MY BODY IS SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. What are you hoping for?


  1. Definitely wanna see more Doom 4! an open world style game with a new IP would be cool too, to hook me in.

  2. Wooh Nerdgasm alert, didn’t knew they are planning to host their own E3 Conference till now. Thx for the News Brittney, but now i have stay patience till June 14 x/
    Omg as soon as they drop a release date for Fallout 4 i’m gonna schedule my vacation for it xD

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