Oh my God, this is one of the best Zelda parodies I have seen in a LOOOONG time. Just…just watch. Sit back and enjoy this shit, because it’s some good shit.
Okayokayokay, how many of you side-jumped while travelling by foot in OoT?! I did that ALL of the time, and I distinctly remember my mom walking by as I was side-jumping my way to Lon Lon Ranch and she stopped, watched for a second and finally asked, “What’s wrong with Zelda?”
So cute, my mother is.
YES!! SCREWITS is the best! I also love his Drake & Josh Parody XD, also “hits hats hots hats hits hots hats hots *Gets tired*” XD
I haven’t seen the other one, I”ll have to look! :D
This was literally made for you.