How many of you woke up this morning all, “SHIIIIIIT! I’m the worst boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/fuck buddy EVER because I forgot today is Valentine’s Day!”
That’s right, kiddos! Today is the day you’re supposed to make card, chocolate and flower companies across the globe LOTS of money. But never fear! I am here to make your life a little easier (and improve your chance of getting laid) by showing you several nerd-themed valentines.
“However can we repay you, Britt?”
You can think of me right as you’re about to do the deed. But not in a creepy way. More like in a, “Thanks, Britt. I owe you.” kind of way. Then forget about me and proceed with business.
IGN has a slew of hilarious valentines on their website. They also have a lil’ app up that makes it easy to send via email, share on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Below are some of my favorites.
AMC – The Walking Dead
AMC has a few Walking Dead e-cards you can send that special someone. I mean, I personally find nothing more romantic than discussing zombie survival plans over a glass of whiskey, so I’d say these are a safe bet. <3. (Because everyone is like me, right?)
You simply can’t go wrong sending your valentine something that has the name “Poke” in it, if ya catch my drift. ::nudge-nudge:: (I’m so clever.)

The Mary Sue still has a great selection up from last year.
There are hundreds of Zelda valentines out there, but don’t worry, I’ve already looked through 12% of them. Therefore you should only use the ones I found. I promise you they’re the best.
And finally…
And if none of the above are suitable for you, then all I can say is when you’re sitting home alone tonight stuffing your face full of stale chocolate you’ll regret not choosing one of the hand-picked Blonde Nerd approved valentines. As for me? I’m heading to Vegas. Nothing quite screams “ROMANTIC!” like stumbling your way past wedding chapels at 4:30 in the morning.
Well I do not have an in-person valentine’s this year, but these still made my day. If I did have a romantic partner, I would think “thanks Britt, I owe you” when she is fabulously impressed, then you float away and I kiss her.
Have fun in Vegas and I found this to add to your collection
Daaaaaaaw! That’s a good one! :)
The creepy Ash one…CREEEEEPY.
The Groose one…AHH! MY EYES!