Earlier today I posted the following to Twitter because, quite frankly, my brain was going batshit crazy and I just needed to get my feelings and emotions out there:
A few of you had some questions, like “WTFBBQ is a Chaos Eater Sword replica doing at your PO BOX?” so allow me to explain! Replica Dungeon contacted yours truly and said “OHAI! Would you like to review one of our products?” Now, how I read this is as follows: “Would you like to add something fucking amazing to your woman cave so you can LARP around with it and pretend to slay things?” So, in my most calm and cool e-voice I responded with a “Absolutely — I’d be honored!” And the rest is history.
I had a few items to choose from, but I thought this was the biggest and most badass..ed. Yes. Badassed. And hey, it’s from Darksiders. DONE DEAL, ahm-I-rah?
BUT I CAN’T PICK IT UP UNTIL TOMORROW. And that is why I’m going insane. Like, knowing that there’s a 46″ sword waiting for me at my PO Box is like knowing Alistair is standing behind me, waving his dong around but all I can do is look straight-ahead.
…Okay, that’s absolutely nothing what this is like, but hopefully you get my drift. ;)
As soon as I whisk this thing from the PO Box and into my woman cave I’ll make an “unboxing” video, so stay tuned for that!
Ok, we can’t be friends anymore…
…ok, maybe we can, but only if I can borrow it and go demon slaying. (read: posing for lame photo ops)
Bahahahha. Okay, dude. Your lame photo op is on me!
This is too funny! Alistair standing behind you, swinging his dong…….LMFAO!!! But in all seriousness, that sword is bad ass!!!
Funny? I think it’s hawt. ;D
I wonder if it’s the same as the one they had at PAX Prime 2009. That booth was awesome: a giant sword and a mechanical bull. Enjoy your angel and demon hunting days
HOLY CRAP! I remember that Michael! Wow — makes me wish I woulda rode that thing!
That’s pretty badass, but you know what sword needs a replica? The Starfang.
If that ever fell into my arms, I would die a very happy woman.
Awesome sword…no furniture or sibling would be safe from me if I had that in my grasp.
I have been going into Halloween stores lately and playing with the costume weapons…many imaginary beings have been injured
LOL! Man, those stores are so full of LARP.
I got one of those at otakon this year.So worth it when i took it to the Darksiders 2 midnight.
DUUUUUUUDE. I bet you were the most badassed there!