The Zelda DLC releases tomorrow fo’ FREE. Hyrule Field will be an open area for Sonic to romp around in and collect rupees and such, while the dungeon is apparently pretty straightforward, but oozes with, well, Zelda-ness, as depicted by the video above. It all looks pretty amazing to me.
I’ve never played Sonic Lost World, but I wonder if it’s worth a pickup just for the Zelda DLC. I’m seriously needing a console Zelda fix, soOoOooO I’m thinkin’ it might help quench a bit of that thirst I’ve had since completing Skyward Sword. Which was, oh, TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO. ;____;
ZeldaZeldaZelda is it E3 YET?!
To bad I spent my $350 on the Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2 instead of a Wii U.
So, when you bop characters as Sonic, do they turn in to chickens? Cause that’d be awesome.
That would.