I’m kiiiiinda getting tired of all of these requests for a “sexy pic” or a “sexy video” or WHATEVER. While hilarious, it’s like, really dude? Y U SO SILLY.
I finally broke down and sent a goddamn sexy pic.
Ryan, I anxiously await your response.
You should’ve left his email exposed. I could’ve sent him some hot-ass pics.
LOL — well played, Britt. Well played. The problem is that most dudes would still probably think that pic is sexy, because, c’mon, it’s a chick playing the Ocarina of Time. What dude wouldn’t want those ovaries?
Know your audience. The kind of dudes reading gong blogs are GoIng to cream their jeans more over this than if you were riding a mechanical bull in lacy lingerie. Always keeping it real, but yeah, as said above, beware the photoshop nerds….
You should’ve left his email exposed. I could’ve sent him some hot-ass pics.
Aww yeah. Latino heat!!!
LOL! Oh Tony. Would you wear lingerie?
I would require your help for stylistic purposes as I have no knowledge of what I look good in.
Otherwise, I’ll just put refried beans over the naughty bits. ;)
Seriously… blondenerd.com poster material. I’d frame it.
HAHAHA! Hmmmm…
Are you going to post a “sexy video” of you playing an ocarina?
Oh yes. Oh God yes.
LOL — well played, Britt. Well played. The problem is that most dudes would still probably think that pic is sexy, because, c’mon, it’s a chick playing the Ocarina of Time. What dude wouldn’t want those ovaries?
Why, thank you sir! I’m afraid of what people might photoshop over the Ocarina…
why? cause yer blowing on something?
HA….see what i did there, i just made a funny =P
I don’t know… even with photoshop, that’s not exactly the look of passion, LMAO!!!
HAHAHA! Yeah, good point Tony!
Know your audience. The kind of dudes reading gong blogs are GoIng to cream their jeans more over this than if you were riding a mechanical bull in lacy lingerie. Always keeping it real, but yeah, as said above, beware the photoshop nerds….
Hmmmm. Just, hmmmmm. ;)
Lolz… I meant ‘gaming’ blogs not ‘bong’ ha, autocorrect fail…
Careful Britt, you may be starting up some kind of new fetish site lmao
LOL. OH God. GirlsBlowingOcarinas.com
I’m buying that domain right now lol
Now you need teh sexy vids of playing said ocarina.
MMM nerd pron XD heh
Where did you aquire said Ocarina
I made it in high school ceramics class! Yeaaaaah.
Urge to kill douche nugget fucktard rising….
HAHAHA! Calm yourself, cousin of mine.
was “nugget” a battlestar galactica reference?
Quite the epic facial expression ya got there. Nice.
What’s wrong with my sexy face? That’s what I use when I go out on weekends. Maybe that’s why I can never bring a guy home…
You have to leave the house in order to bring a guy home… I think that’s the only thing you’re missing in that equation.
Wait. You’re saying staying home and gaming won’t automatically bring the boys to my yard?
Not when you provide red herring addresses :P
Also, milkshake.
OMG, that’s hawt right there. Right click -> Save As
Legen…wait for it…Dary!
Why did I wait for Dary? I do not get.
clearly not speeding at 1000 NPH.
haha okay thanks :)