I really don’t know how to tell you guys this, but…I…I’ve been…I’VE BEEN PLAYING THE LEGEND OF ZELDA BEHIND YOUR BACK AND HAVEN’T BEEN TELLING YOU!! >____<!!!

Well, I guess that’s not  entirely true. If you follow me on Twitter or on Facebook I’m sure you’ve seen some of the random NES Zelda tweets that pop up every other week or so.  And by “every other week or so” I mean “every other week or so”. Seriously. Ever since going it alone all of my free time has been sucked up faster than a, uh, Birdo sucking in the eggs she spits out. Wait. Hasn’t Birdo been confirmed to be of the male variety?

Anywho, I’ve been using whatever little free time I can scrape together to explore the original Hyrule. Per usual, I’ve been snapping photos of my progress.

I squealed when I saw “Dodongo”.
See those blank white hearts? That = no bueno.

WHITE TUNIC FTW! I wonder if that’s why white was another option for him in the Smash Bros games?

These guys are a pain in the ass.
I snapped a photo because this a derp building.
Spectacle Rock: another familiar thing of the Zelda variety!
::puffs chest out::

Got pics, bro?

(Honestly I’m not even sure how “in-order” those photos are. I can barely keep up with what’s happening in The Legend of Zelda, let alone remember what freakin’ order the pics go in.)

As you may recall, I recently finished A Link to the Past before starting The Legend of Zelda, and because I loved A Link to the Past so hard I was like, “OKAY! Let’s go back one more generation!” And holy balls on an oak branch, The Legend of Zelda is a LOT of fun. A little frustrating at times, yes (but that’s before I realized you can, like, carry potions with you into dungeons. A little birdie told me you weren’t able to, so, yeah, that kind of sucked) but it’s the kind of game where it’s fun to just wander around and explore.

SPEAKING OF EXPLORING (GYAAAH!) I cannot take credit for finding the items in my inventory. I must thank the wonders of the internet.  Like, hello exploration. Hello “YOU MUST BURN EVERY TREE!” and “YOU MUST BOMB EVERY WALL!”  There are NO indicators as to which trees are burnable and which walls are bombable. Like, none. Maybe I’m spoiled by the “Captain Obvious-ness” of games today, because I sorta-kinda dislike having to test every tree and wall. Maybe if I was around five years old again and had nothing else to spend my time doing it wouldn’t bother me — hell, I know myself (DURRR) and  I would have loved to spend all of my time bombing and burning shit. But alas, as I’ve gotten older my time is limited and I must ensure I get things done rather efficiently. :/

Overall, I’m loving this game. It’s a fun thr0wback and it allows me to get in touch with my, um roots and stuff. I’m now about 3/4 of the way through Ganon’s lair/tower/dungeon/sex cavern therefore I should have this game wrapped up in no time!


  1. I wish I knew how old this post was (I just found you today. Why it took me so long is a sin) but I wanted to relate:
    I was in summer classes (voluntarily) and waiting for class to begin, I would be playing GBA version of LoZ (as I had completed Wind Waker weeks before).
    I never liked the original LoZ mainly because I was always stuck in the Lost Woods.
    But just before one class, I somehow discovered a “hole in the wall” with some sage advice (for a fee). Me being the cheap prick I am, I declined, only to come crawling back 20 minutes of gameplay later.
    Imagine my glee when I realize they were directions through the Lost Woods!
    I am FINALLY progressing further than I ever had in LoZ and kicking ass!
    You can figure out the rest.

    • LOL!!! Hahaha, awesome story. Sometimes being a “cheap prick” has its downfalls ;D

      Thanks for commenting and for visiting my site!

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