HAPPY HALLOWIENER!!!! (Ha. I said wiener.)
I made it my goal this past Halloween weekend to pose with every person I found who was dressed up as a videogame character. Unfortunately, as I drank more I sorta-kinda forgot about this goal, but every once in a while the synapses connected and I had great success.
Kind of.
Needless to say, I wasn’t feeling too hot the next morning, which was NO BUENO considering all of the above photos were taken on Friday night, which meant I still had all day (and night!) Saturday to parade around in my Link costume.
And parade around in my Link costume is exactly what I did. In the rain. And in the cold. I mean, this is freakin’ Seattle so of course wishing for anything about 50 degrees would have been a pipe dream. So, yeah, after being called Zelda at least twelve times (REALLY, SEATTLE? I thought you were better than that!) it was time to settle down at Gameworks and begin pre-funking for the night ahead. But I gotta be honest — the alcohol wasn’t tasting like the gold sex it normally does.
But at least the waiter was amazing and drew a Triforce on the receipt! <3.
I had originally planned to sport the Link costume, Master Sword and Hylian Shield to the next party but the lace on “Link’s” lace-up shorts was having a weird-ass reaction with my skin, and caused a “WTF IS THIS?” puffy welt on my hip. It looked like I had been bitten by a zombie and my skin was in the beginning stages of sloughing off. So, sadly, off went the Link costume and back on came the ho-bag devil costume. WORKING FOR TIPS TONIGHT, BABY.
There was a group of WoW characters waltzing around, but unfortunately I couldn’t track them down and take a picture with them. THEY MUST HAVE BEEN RIDING THEIR MOUNTS. Or something. Even though I’m a WoW player, that’s all I got. I need to catch up on my lore…
Anywhozers, all in all it was an awesome Halloween! The best part by far was walking around downtown as Link, even if it was in the piss-ass rain and cold. I’m definitely wearing that thing to, like, every event of my life from now on. Hello, future-wedding-whenever-you-happen-but-first-I-must-meet-Alistair.
Did you guys have a great Halloween weekend? Did you dress up as anyone?
Looks like a good time was had :)
Twas, twas. :)
My little sister has stolen my zombie make up fake blood I meant for us to share. Thus I went to school just wearing ripped up, blood covered clothing. not hardcore enough. I hope to fix that tonight.
Must dress up as a video game character if I ever end up in Seattle. Doesn’t matter what time of year, I will just do it. Now to think which video game figure best suits me….
I hope you fixed it! ;)
Went as Harley Q, but I’m super I’m super jealous of your Link costume. Even with the rash. You just have to drink enough so that you forget it’s there, like wearing really bad shoes.
HAHA! YES! That’s what I tried to do, but it didn’t work. Like, I couldn’t stop thinking about my skin sloughing off into piles on the floor.
Excuse me Miss Devil, what do I get if I sell my soul?
Um, two bucks?
My soul is worth at least 5
Oh my GOD that Mario is shamelessly staring at your boobs in one pic!
I saw a little Lugi (so cute)
and my dog was totally convinced he was supposed to trick or treat with all the kids that came to the door.
Hahaha, yeaaaah.
Aw! I always remember making the dogs go batshit crazy whenever you rung someone’s doorbell. Good times.
At the last minute, about 4 hours before the day ended, I realized that I had the perfect Kevin Smith costume, so I rocked it. There’s a pic in my twitter feed somewhere.
Duuuude. You know I’m lazy. SEND.