Can you tell I’ve missed my PS3?

Yesterday I marched into Best Buy with an uncertain future. Either I was going to leave with a shiny new 3DS and Ocarina of Time, or I was going to leave with something else entirely.


Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the product of my Best Buy gift cards. Yes, the ones that were supposed to go towards a 3DS and Ocarina of Time.

Can you tell I’ve been missing a certain console?

It's pretty much sex.

I’ve had this conversation with a few of you already— but holy balls on a stick—I didn’t realize how much I had missed the PS3 until I started playing inFamous. In fact, I think I’m starting to become a bit of a console fangirl. Eep…

It’s always been weird to me when people declare their “allegiance” towards a specific console. I’m not talking about when raging, senseless fanboys that have a “whose corporate dick is larger” competition in online forums (I’ll never understand that) but when well-informed people within the industry REFUSE to play another console because of whatever silly reason they have. I’ve never understood it, because I’ve never favored one over the other.

…until now, perhaps?

I wrapped up a Dragon Age binge this month (I’d been playing Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 since freakin’ February) and the first console game I played in FOUR (repeat: FOUR) months was Portal on the Xbox360. Guys, I’m not gonna lie—it felt like sex to have a controller in my hand after months of abstinence. In fact, it felt SO good that I ended up completing Portal in one setting. Then I was hooked. I needed to play another console game STAT. And seeing how the next game on my list of things to dominate was inFamous, I fired up the good ol’ PS3.

As soon as I held that DualShock 3 controller—this will sound cheesy as hell, but bear with me—magic happened. Pure, heavenly magic. The blinds opened, sunshine penetrated (haha…penetrated) the windows and flooded my living room, birds began singing a summer tune…


But it was like, hey, THIS is what I’m familiar with. THIS is what I used to spend countless hours gaming on back in the day. And you know what? The same equation still works. Same buttons, same triggers, same analogs.

To be honest, I’ve always had a soft spot for all of Sony’s consoles. I grew up with the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, and to me, the PlayStation 3 is just another extension of what I’ve become familiar with and grown to love. The Xbox360 is something that has only been recently introduced into my life (a little over three years ago), and I’ve been dinking with Sony’s toys ever since I was what, 7, 8-years-old? C’MON. Given that scenario, I’m totally allowed to play favorites. ;)

…and I think that’s pretty obvious given the choice of games I purchased!

So for now, I’m not going to go as far as to say I’m a Sony fangirl and sacrifice my first born in their honor…yet. Maybe Uncharted 3 will push me over the edge. >) NATHANDRAKENATHANDRAKENATHANDRAKE.

Would you call yourself a “rational” fanboy/fangirl?


  1. Absolutely…and for similar reasons. Though my fandom would go to Sega, and if Sega made a console today, I’d own two of them. Since Segas been out, I’m 360 all the way (company allegiance..maybe. Bust mostly because of Live, the retro fix I can get, and the indie games…I love me some terrible indie games).

    But Sega…oh sega…I’m a HUGE fighting game fan, and I need 6 buttons on a controller…sega nailed this with the genesis (second gen controllers) and then again with the Saturn…Darkstalkers on Saturn was just awesome. Dreamcast went backwards controller wise, but I’ll forgive them since DOA was so friekin beautiful on there (as were all the dreamcast games I played!). Plus the VMUs…so cool.

    Anyway, I miss Sega making consoles, but for now I’ll stick with the 360. Nothing against Sony…there’s definitely games on that side I would love to play (Twisted Metal, God of War, Uncharted..and apparently Infamous? : ) ). I have nothing against Nintendo (Would love to have time to play through the Zeldas and Metroids on Wii). But unless some free time pops out of magical thin air on a pony, I’ll keep playing Dig Dug and Yar’s revenge between bouts of Halo Reach :)

    • I love Sega fanboys! It’s awesome that ya’ll keep an allegiance after so long ^_^. The only Sega consoles I played were the Genesis and the Dreamcast. Never got the chance to play around with a Saturn, but that will hopefully change soon!

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