Woman’s Rage at Slow Wii U Loading Times

I know, I know. I suck for not having blogged about the Wii U.  Well, let me just tell you I haven’t touched Nintendo’s latest and “greatest” since finishing New Super Mario Brothers U about two weeks ago.

While I have no idea WTF this woman is saying, I understand exactly what that grunt means around the 1:30 mark. That grunt means “HOLY HELL the Wii U load times are so FREAKIN’ slow it almost makes me want to laugh in a psycho-esque way because like, yeah, they’re absolutely totally ridiculous and such.”

Yes, that grunt is very universal.

In any case, this video is pretty funny and sums up one of my biggest frustrations with the Wii U.


    • I think it was IGN or someone saying that fixing the loading times needs to be one of Nintendo’s highest priorities w/ a patch.

      • They just had a update/patch a few days ago. Think it was supposed to address the loading times, I didn’t notice a difference though.

  1. Yeah, overall she’s frustrated and is baffled by why it’s taking so long to load. When it finally loads she says what’s in the menus. When she just grunts about not understanding it.

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