I’m not usually one to praise water bottles, but this one is worthy of praise. If I won this I would place it on my desk and LARP that I was in the Engineering Department because that would pretty much be the coolest thing to ever happen in my life.
Also, I would fill this bad boy with whiskey.
Definitely some Krogan Liquor…the stuff that makes Shepard wake up in the bathroom :)
Ryncol, yeah that’s what it’s called. :)
Water, like the square I am.
:O So wanna have it ;P
Why of course, like Tali,Turian brandy :)
Definitely not Ryncol…
Definitely ryncol
Oh man, that would be so awesome to have =O I’d put some Serrice Ice Brandy in that thing! Do Dr. Chakwas proud :’)
Im going to drink my new japanese licour dextro, Keelah.
rum & coke haha
Want allll the bottles
Any one of these: http://savegameonline.com/c3-features/save-games-mass-effect-squadmate-cocktails-the-best-drinks-this-side-of-the-citadel
I’m gonna be boring and stick with water in mine. Never know when you’ll need to be sober enough to fight off some geth.
Heeeeey, what’s your problem with geth?
It’s not like they’re those filthy asari…
Boring-ass water, for boring people.
Water or Juice is enough for me for now.
Mountain Dew Baja Blast would go in mine… I’d steal a gallon from Taco Bell….
Water… What else goes in a water bottle?
I’m gonna say I’d put some nice fresh brewed tea in it.
Fingers crossed
Meh, I’d fill it with “queimada”, a local drink.
The finest Serrice Ice Brandy
I would put ALL the drinks in it!
Turian Brandy to drink with my hubby Garrus ;)
yes i would like a water bottle :) never can have too many of them
Bring it to work and put what ever I have on hand in it
Use it to pour out a little of that brandy in memory of Dr. Chakwas.