‘Ello Nuvs of the Guv variety! (That means Guv’nas, in case you couldn’t figure it out. God, I’m so fucking witty.)
I’m excited for this giveaway! Sigourney from Circulus Design and I have teamed up to give one of you lucky son’bitches an video game poster (11×17) from his shop! And let me tell you, these things are pretty. I’ll post a few of my faves below, but make sure you check out his entire store!
The contest wraps up Friday evening, so get your butt entered ASAP!
I’m excited for this giveaway too!
That Majora’s Mask is drool worthy, for sure.
Majora’s Mask, man.
The Dead Space poster on the website looks amazing!
Why does that mask always scare me?
The Cerberus Network or the Majora’s Mask posters are PIMP! Either one would work for me in my nerd cave.
I’d probably go with the Umbrella poster, though the Fox Hound poster looks pretty nice as well.
Majora’s Mask!!!! AHHHH I MUST HAVE IT!!!!!
I’d have to go with the Shin-Ra poster. Can’t go wrong with the classic evil corporation … ^_^
The Shin-Ra, Majora’s Mask, or the Covenant posters would just be plain AWESOME
These are awesome!!
Wow. These are awesome!
Majora’s Mask fo sho!
majoras mask! :) I love these!
ohhh or umbrella corp. :)
Fox Hound definitely
DR Eggman…holy crap thats awesome
Would look nice on my wall…
Not sure which one I like most. The Shin-Ra poster is pretty sweet, but the Majora’s Mask and Fox Hound ones are so iconic.
Guess it doesn’t matter until I win. :P
Majora’s Mask or Umbrella Corp.
Majoras mask please and thank you
Fox hound! :3
Man that Fox-Hound poster looks sick!
I would go with Fox-Hound I have always loved Metal Gear and started with Metal Gear Solid for PSX I loved the story in that game it really drew you in the fact that Snake started out as a lone wolf but ends up falling in love great story and great game play
Fox Hound for sure! I’m actually replaying MGS 4 right now as I type this!
Fox-Hound poster looks sweet but I also like the Umbrella Corp. too. Oh who am I kidding they are
all awesome.
I don’t play any of those except Majora, so yeah, that one.
I’d definitely want the Metal Gear Fox Hound, or Majora’s mask. :D
Anyone of those would be awesome to have
I’d absolutely choose the Umbrella Corp. poster. Always loved their symbol and the RE franchise.
I’d definitely choose Majora’s Mask, or the KH unknown poster if it was available!
I’d totally choose Majora’s Mask!
Kingdom Hearts Heartless! or Majora’s Mask, as a back up :P
the Kingdom hearts one is epic…
who won???