Hey friends!
Long story short: I’m attending E3 this year. I ended up with two invites to Sony’s E3 press conference. I RSVP’d with one of them. The other invite is transferable to another person.
This pass does not grant access to E3 itself.
Due to the overwhelming interest for the pass, I’ve decided the only fair thing is to host the giveaway via Rafflecopter, as it uses a random name generator to select the winner.
I don’t want anything from the person who gets this pass, so don’t worry, I won’t be putting you to work. ;)
FYI, the Sony press conference is at 6:00 pm in Los Angeles. However, you should get there by 4:00 pm so you can enjoy the free food and drinks. Especially the free drinks. Sony’s pre-press conference event is essentially a big party.
I know it seems absolutely unattainable, but I would love a remastered Suikoden I & II collection or even a new Suikoden game. What with everything that’s happened with Konami, it seems unlikely but a girl can wish, can’t she? :)
I want Sony to announce a LARGE lineup of good, AAA games for the Vita and maybe quit neglecting it so much.
I’d love to see a date for Uncharted, more indies, more Vita games, and maybe more Ratchet & Clank.
I would love a new ape escape announced I like those games lol
I’d really, really, REALLY like to see Jak and Daxter make a return. They were such a funny duo and their games were always so much fun. Need more Naughty Dog! Lol.
More Vita Games!!!
Am I the only one hoping to see a new Resistance game?
Uncharted… and more uncharted.
Honestly I know this might not happened, but I’m a huge Infamous fan so something involving that franchises.
I want to see what Quantic Dream is working on. Heavy Rain was one of my favorite ps3 games.
Now here’s a real shot in the dark for ya, i want to see Last Guardian finally announced with a release date. Now that’s what i really want to see!!
Honestly I don’t know what I want to see out of the event this year, but what I do know is that I’d love to work coverage on it. Hell, you don’t want someone to do work to get the pass, but I’d still be more than happy to, as it’s what I would be doing had I gotten into the event myself.
I’m super excited for more info on No Man’s Sky. I’m specifically going to buy a PS4 just for this game (and Uncharted 4, duh). I’ve been holding off for a worthy exclusive, and I think this may do it for me.
The Sony presser this year should be pretty dang good, I really wana hear what happened to Kojima and Konami!
I’ll be happy if they just simply announce that the Vita still exists.
I would love to see another Jak and Daxter game. Even if its in the vain of the smaller Ratchet games.
the new need for speed game and more info on tom clancy’s: the division
Why not? Would be a nice chance to say hello. I can get the afternoon off.