Videogame Haul #7! July 27, 2011 Brittney Brombacher Featured, Gaming, My Videos, Video Game Hauls, Videos 8 More goodies from the past weekend! Unfortunately the goodies turned out to be effin’ disgusting.
that black piece towards the end that you said you didnt know what it was. it looked like a mouth piece cover for a saxophone…gross Reply
I guess one can’t question your dedication to the hobby, but you may want to invest in some rubber gloves or something… maybe bring some with you and check the boxes before you get them home. Yeah, that might be a good idea. Reply
(hands you a bunch of Clorox wipes.) You’re gonna need these. lol
LOL. Thanks Michelle ;)
that black piece towards the end that you said you didnt know what it was. it looked like a mouth piece cover for a saxophone…gross
…I hope to God you’re joking.
nope, andrew’s right, clarinets or saxophones, enjoy!
I guess one can’t question your dedication to the hobby, but you may want to invest in some rubber gloves or something… maybe bring some with you and check the boxes before you get them home. Yeah, that might be a good idea.
I know you play more modern games, but don’t let Kid Chameleon sit for too long!