Video Game Haul #18! July 9, 2014 Brittney Brombacher Gaming, My Videos, Video Game Hauls 6 I’M BACK ON DA YOUTUBES!
Ah, Battlecruiser 3000. The space battle simulator that came periously close to being the Duke Nukem Forever of space sims. Also, slammin dress, Britt! Good to have you back. Reply
HA! Thanks for your knowledge on that Battlecruiser game. I had (and still barely have) any idea WTF that is. And thank you! Reply
I use to play The Ghost Recon games ALL of the time on Xbox! To be honest, Jedi Academy is my favorite Star Wars game. I found it even more fun than Battlefront. I as well have 4 copies of Halo 2 and the Map Pack XD Reply
No kidding?! GAH. This is why I love doing these videos — learning what others have played is fucking rad. <3 Reply
try to get animal crossing for 3ds or wii there cool and its just fun to play
So I’ve heard! I’ve heard they’re extremely addicting too. Should stay away…
Ah, Battlecruiser 3000. The space battle simulator that came periously close to being the Duke Nukem Forever of space sims.
Also, slammin dress, Britt! Good to have you back.
HA! Thanks for your knowledge on that Battlecruiser game. I had (and still barely have) any idea WTF that is.
And thank you!
I use to play The Ghost Recon games ALL of the time on Xbox! To be honest, Jedi Academy is my favorite Star Wars game. I found it even more fun than Battlefront. I as well have 4 copies of Halo 2 and the Map Pack XD
No kidding?! GAH. This is why I love doing these videos — learning what others have played is fucking rad. <3