Boots’ Guest Game Log #5: – Dragon Age: Origins
Hey guys! My buddy Tony (AKA Boots) is popping his Dragon Age: Origins cherry and has graciously volunteered to keep a guest game log. This will work similar to the logs I keep, but you […]
Hey guys! My buddy Tony (AKA Boots) is popping his Dragon Age: Origins cherry and has graciously volunteered to keep a guest game log. This will work similar to the logs I keep, but you […]
Hey guys! My buddy Tony (AKA Boots) is popping his Dragon Age: Origins cherry and has graciously volunteered to keep a guest game log. This will work similar to the logs I keep, but you know I […]
Hey guys! My buddy Tony (AKA Boots) is popping his Dragon Age: Origins cherry and has graciously volunteered to keep a guest game log. This will work similar to the logs I keep, but you know I […]
Well well… it’s been a few months, hasn’t it? I should explain. You see, way back in December of “oh-eleven”, Britt convinced me that I had to play this game in order to appreciate the sequel. I use that description loosely since it seems that most people think of it as the inferior title. But hey, it was $10, so I can’t complain. […]
Hey guys! My buddy Tony (AKA Boots) is about to pop his Dragon Age: Origins cherry and has graciously volunteered to keep a guest game log. This will work similar to the logs I keep, but […]
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