The Walking Dead: Season 2 Details
As an uber-duper-super fan of all things The Walking Dead, I’m so happy to finally have solid details on Season Two of Telltale’s episodic awesomeness. First of all, we can expect five episodes to grace […]
As an uber-duper-super fan of all things The Walking Dead, I’m so happy to finally have solid details on Season Two of Telltale’s episodic awesomeness. First of all, we can expect five episodes to grace […]
Sure, it’s not the most professional title I’ve ever written but AT LEAST YOU CAN SENSE MY EXCITEMENT. At first I was all confused-like and thought 400 Days was the actual sequel to the first season, but […]
If you were to look up the definition of “happy pants” in the dictionary it would have the above picture with the text “THE WALKING DEAD!!!11” plastered right next to it. Er…actually, anyone who has […]
Let’s reiterate from my last post: A salt lick was placed upon Larry’s head. And by “placed upon” I mean it was thrust down in such a violent manner that it completely annihilated his head. […]
HA! All of my choices are reflected by those that got the majority vote. I guess that means I’m not unique and special… ::kicks dirt:: But seriously, to those of you that allowed Clem to […]
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