This is Aperture
Quite possibly one of the best videos ever made. That is all.
Quite possibly one of the best videos ever made. That is all.
Well, once again I’m temporarily putting down a game in lieu of another. First I put down inFAMOUS 2 for Panzer Dragoon Saga, and now it’s Panzer Dragoon Saga for Portal 2. Thankfully Portal 2 […]
I love Dorkly, and seeing as I’ve recently finished Portal, this video is right up my alley. My favorite part would have to be the epic use of the cuckoos.
Whenever I say Portal, I want to say it three times like “Dradle Dradle Dradle!” but “PORTAL PORTAL PORTAL!” Alright, how’s THAT for most random introduction ever? Yes, it is true. I have never played Portal […]
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