Why Pokemon Shouldn’t Visit Their Hometown
This brings up a point I haven’t thought of before. I mean, let’s say you catch a Pidgey and eventually it evolves into Pidgeot because you’re a badass like that. But during the process of evolving […]
This brings up a point I haven’t thought of before. I mean, let’s say you catch a Pidgey and eventually it evolves into Pidgeot because you’re a badass like that. But during the process of evolving […]
::checks watch:: Ladadaaaa…::checks watch again:: Well…thiiiis is going to take a while. Speaking of, I recently started Pokemon X. I got it as a gift back in…shit, December for Christmas but FINALLY opened it when I ventured […]
I LOVE these “realistic” videos, and it poses a question I’ve been meaning to find an answer to for some time — what exactly happens to a Pokemon when it’s, erm, put inside of a […]
GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! ::rips out hair:: ::falls out of chair:: ::throws self out window:: ::sets nearest car on fire:: ::flops on the street like a Magikarp out of water:: WHYYYYYYYYY?! I’m telling you, fewer things got under […]
Bwahahaha, this is the best thing I’ve seen in a while! I love when “Ash” tries to get the whale in a Pokeball, and when his poor bird tries to take on that manbearpig. […]
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