So last night I played in a Game Truck…

Last night Tara, Kristina and I met up with an extremely nice fellow named Didier. Didier just happens to be awesome for several reasons; not only is he an OG when it comes to gaming, he also happens to be the owner of a FREAKIN’ GAME TRUCK.

What is a Game Truck, you might ask? Well my friends, it’s possibly the closest thing to a genuine PimpMobile as it gets—and as we walked into the truck, my jaw hit the floor.

Four 50″ plasma TV’s, Xbox360s, Wiis and PS3s sitting underneath…hey, Didier, can I live here for a few days? Just park the truck by a dive bar that serves killer hot wings and I’ll be in heaven.

When you walk in, there are two wall displays that show which games are available:

THINK of the possibilities for this bad boy…birthdays, graduations, other celebrations, random parties, whatever! It’s so convenient—Game Truck comes to you, parks on the street and you just hop in and  button mash all day. You don’t need to bring anything.

Oh! Let’s say wanna hop in the truck with 15 other friends for a Halo/Call of Duty tournament. Game Truck carries multiple copies of games that support system link. How. Cool. Is That.

Chuck E Cheese is such old news. God. These kids have it so good nowadays.

For more info on Game Truck, you can visit their official site here!

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