PS4’s Launch Date is November 15th


Unless if you’ve been living under a…hmmm, what shall we make it today — let’s call it a Goron. So unless you’ve been living under a Goron for the majority of today, chances are you’ve already heard about the PlayStation 4’s North American release date of — redundant drumroll please — November 15th, 2013.

I’m very happy with this release date. Yeah, I would have loved to have seen it launching earlier, but that’s just my patience (or lack-thereof) talking. After all November 15th is a Friday and around these Northwestern parts it’s rainy, cold and quite dark that time of year, so I see it as the PERFECT opportunity to attend the midnight launch, take Friday off, and, hell, make an entire weekend out of it. Guys, this will be my first time purchasing a Sony console at launch, so it’s pretty freakin’ exciting! SQUEE!

I’m curious to read what you think of the launch. Do you think Sony jumped the gun, and should have waited to see when Microsoft is launching the Xbox One? Or, do you think Microsoft strategically waited it out and are now calculating their best launch opportunity? It’s kind of a tricky launch since both current and next-gen consoles will be supported for some time. Anywho, let me know what you think!


  1. MS definitely waited cuz Sony kept one upping what ever they announced. Its a good plan and I think both will be around that day, maybe Xbox One being a few days earlier in that week just to get Sony back for their jabs in both their conferences. All in all tho, I think both will do well and I’m glad Sony’s off to a better start this gen. I’ll pick one up when Uncharted 4 comes out ;)

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