Sooo am I the only one excited for this? I feel like everyone is all, “EWW it’s going to suck BOYCOTT BOYCOTT djakfdjakfjdka;!” And I’m over here like, dudebros, it has video games in it. I’m gonna knock a few back (like I typically do before seeing a movie) and have a great time with friends. Why is it so hard for people to freakin’ chill out and look for the positives in things? /rant
Anywhozers, Pixels comes out this summer. That last part with Toru Iwatani…I lol’d HARD.
OMG LOL ive never heard of this till you showed this but im really excited now. this combines some of my favorite things. I still like Adam Sandler, video games in plots, and Im no movie buff but I will see ANY movie or tv show with Kevin James, He is pretty much my favorite actor cause every time I watch stuff with him in it I always get at least one laugh. So yeah count me in for this one.
Oh no not another Adam Sandler movie :(
I heard of this and thought it might be interesting but didn’t know it was a comedy as well… I like the idea already!
I’m not big on Adam Sandler but this looks interesting.