If you’re supporting me for more than $5 on Patreon, you are eligible to enter this giveaway! If you don’t, I still love you, and while you cannot enter (I mean, you can but you won’t win) I still cherish your friendship. And all of that other PR-friendly stuff. Hurrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Below are this month’s shenanigans THAT CAN BELONG TO YOU.
My fav PS2 game would have to be RE4… although there were some damn good times had rampaging through Vice City!
On a side note, regarding your run-ins as of late with numerous Internet creepers: Keep your spirits high Britt. I enjoy all you do with your little corner of the net ^_^
Xenosaga episode 1 is my all time favorite ps2 game
My favorite PS2 game…toughie for me honestly. I mean, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy X, Onimusha (I, II, III), RE4….NOPE. I will have to choose Kingdom Hearts II. Perfect mix between Disney and Final Fantasy, more summons, upgraded Gummy Ship experience, more Disney titles included, KEEEEYBLADES, and just a great overall story.
So why not the others? Honestly, to me it has to be a balance of story/visuals/gameplay. FFX being one of the first titles to come out for PS2 had AMAZING visuals and a great overall combination of the others. RE4 is one of my favorite RE games (other than 2). Honestly, KHII just overall edges both of those games out. The rest doesn’t come that close.
Umm….I don’t have a favorite PS2 game. Can I just say twisted metal?
Either Kingdom Hearts, God of War or Castlevania Lament of Innocence.
Favorite ps2 game hmm I really like Maximo
Hmm my favorite PS2 game would have to be Kingdom Hearts
Wow! This time you let go some great shit, Britt! =)
Wow, tough choice, maybe God of War!