Patreon Supporters: Win Britt’s Shit!


Hey friends!

This month I have a few codes lying around that I thought I could give away! Specifically, codes for Final Fantasy VIII (PC) and Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PC). I haven’t even played Final Fantasy XIII-2, so, like, word. You’ll have to let me know how it is. Even though it came out years ago. I’M BEHIND THE TIMES OKAY


You know the drill! Enter below, you sexy bastards. I love you all and thank you for your support!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Favorite FF game. Well 4 has given me a helluva lot more memories, but my all time favorite (since I can’t count 7 or 9 since I have yet to play them) is 10. Hands down better story than any that I have ever played.

  2. It has to be Final Fantasy 6. 7 and 9 were good, haven’t played 8 :p The 13 trilogy gets hate but they’re ALRIGHT. But yeah, Final Fantasy 6 is the best, with 4 close behind <3

  3. My favorite FF game is IX but also loved FFVII, FFVI, FFIV and FFV. I was not a fan of FF 8 and I’m not sure why. I just never got into it. Square Enix rocks!

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