June 11th, 2011: Poppin’ My Sega Saturn Cherry

My aunt is the one who has convinced me to put games like L.A. Noire and Portal 2 on hold. You see, for years she’s been trying to explain to me how amazing PDS is. I definitely trust her and take her word for it—she and I have very similar tastes in our games, and honestly it doesn’t take much convincing for me to put down an FPS or Action/Adventure in lieu of an infamous JRPG.

Here’s a fun fact: Panzer Dragoon Saga will be the first Sega Saturn game I’ve ever played. I’ve owned PDS for roughly a year now (thanks to eBay), but just ordered a Sega Saturn a few months back.

I only hope the Sega Saturn actually, you know, WORKS. I uh haven’t tested it yet.

What I know about Panzer Dragoon Saga:

  • I can fly on dragons.
  • There is a language that was created strictly for this game.
  • The game was, according to my aunt, way ahead of it’s time.
  • I BARELY remember watching my aunt play PDS many, many years ago. So I know what to expect in terms of graphics. ;)

It’s going to be interesting venturing into a console 16 years old, and not only that, a console I’ve never played before! I’m not worried that the graphics will turn me off or anything like that—but I bet they WILL take some getting used to.

Holy shit. I’m excited. ^___^

July 20th, 2011: WHAT JUST HAPPENED?

No, seriously. What just happened?

I got about halfway through the introductory CGI in PDS before I had to shut the Saturn off, buuut it doesn’t matter because I couldn’t pay attention to what was happening anyway. It was the first time in a LONG time (13 years?) since Ive seen one of those bad boys in action, and my mind was blown by how awesome it was. I mean, it was so blown that my reading capability was disabled.

So. Good.

Anyway, the made-up spoken lingo is pretty sweet. Dont know what its called, or if Ill ever find out what its called, but what an awesome concept! Unfortunately Im now going to have to get used to this thing called reading. Seriously, the last game I played that solely utilized written dialogue was Wind Waker.

Based on the half-assedattention-paying I was doing during the intro, I suppose the game is about a dude named Edge, an empire of sorts, some ancient Beasts (are those the dragons Ill fly?!) and war. Lots of conflict between nations. To be honest, it kind of reminds me of Skies of Arcadia! GAWD, I friggen LOVE that game.

::takes a moment to nostalgia all over the place::

Not much else to say here, so that must mean I need to play more.

OH! Wait. I just realized that this is actually a face.

HERP. And THAT made me remember that I’ve seen that face/thing/woman before. Whatever it is. It was during the intro, and clearly I was not paying attention. So sue me.



  1. So how are you getting on with Panzer Dragoon Saga? It’s one of my fave games on the Saturn. If you like it, you should also try and find a copy of Panzer Dragoon Orta on the Original Xbox, amazing game. I’ll shut up now.

  2. How much did you pay for Panzer Dragoon Saga? Lol…I know this is an old article, but I’m curious…that game is EXPENSIVE and hard to find…

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