::drops mic::
HAHAHAHAHAjustkidding ::picks it up::
So, ladies and gentlemen, we have another CoD in our near future. This one is being hatched by Sledgehammer Games (Modern Warfare 3) and, uh, that’s all I got. Er…I mean, LOOK AT THOSE PORES! PORES CONFIRMED.
I’m sorry. That was so stupid.
But like always, I want to know what my brethren want from the next Call of Duty game. This bad boy has been in development for nearly three years, so I expect at least one unicorn.
Is it just me or is there more detail on his chin then on the upper part of his face….
Another Static Shooter, This is why I stick to Halo and Killzone
A unicorn! omg! lol
I could use some realistic shooting and less mods. control I guess is what im searching for. they make em ultra realistic but can jump, 360 and snipe me with a head shot. im over it… need real.
Have you tried Arma 3? Or Insurgency?
I’m sorry, all of the Call of Duties since Modern Warfare #2 have just reaked of reiterated content ontop of cloned content. They need to put the nail in the coffin of Call of Duty and move onto something else.