Hey guys!
Well, I’ve done it again: I’ve taken on another podcast! This will be my third and I’m really excited about it! It’s called Chattering Geeks and I will be a co-hosting next to Jeremy Bray (@pcnerd37). We’re recording out first episode tonight and our guest will be Meredith Molinari from the PlayStation Network’s reality series, The Tester!
While we haven’t completely smoothed out all of the edges, the overall premise for Chattering Geeks will be to interview some of the lovely folks within the gaming industry. It should be a lot of fun!
Have any questions for Meredith? Let me know and I’ll try my best to shoot ‘em off to her!
Question for your guest: What’s the strangest thing that’s happened while working on The Tester?
Favourate Character in a video game and why?
What does unwinding look like for you guys? Do you hang out with the judges after filming and talk shop and/or smack?
I’d be really curious to hear her thoughts on the difference between what a tester actually does and what the contestants all seem to think a tester does?
Interviews with the regular peeps of the gaming industry.