Warner Bros has announced the team behind Magicka is being awesome and is making all of our lives better by working on a new version of Gauntlet. (SQUEE!) That’s also the name of the new badassery — simply Gauntlet. The “modernized action RPG” will come to Steam later this summer. (STEAM MACHINE PURCHASE CONFIRMED.) There really ain’t a lot of additional info outside of the trailer you just watched, but for those of you with the inability to watch a video because of reasons I won’t judge you on, here are the deets:
You’ll be able to chose from the character classes of Wizard, Elf, Valkyrie and Warrior. Each class has their own strengths, weaknesses, advantages, disadvantages, yadda yadda. Gauntlet is doing this thing called “WB Games Vault”, which is essentially an initiative to launch digital-only games based off of new/old properties.

…YESSSSSSS!!! Man, I feel like the Gauntlet games were a staple of my childhood. I used to frequent this skating rink called Skateland back in my day (ie; I was between the ages of 11-15) and while most kids went there to awkwardly flirt with members of the opposite gender, I pretty much went for the pizza, photobooth and the Gauntlet arcade machine. And just a few years back I found Gauntlet: Dark Legacy at a garage sale, and it was one of the best days of my life — until I got home an discovered it was, like, empty. AND THEN GAMEWORKS, just a few blocks away from me, had a HUGE Gauntlet machine buuuuuuuuuuut it went tits-up and had to be hauled away. ;______;
So, yes. I need Gauntlet like yesterday. Are you as stoked as I am?!
absolutely …..
a New Gauntlet game? That’s just freakin’ Awesome! I still remember the theme song from the NES game!
The Pink Phantom needs food.
Wish it had a ps4 release