You know what I’ve learned about running a business? I’ve learned that it takes up ALL OF YOUR FREAKIN’ TIME. Seriously, it’s absolutely killing me that we’re already at the PAX “week-since” mark and I have, like, one write-up done. ::takes a deep breath:: But it’s okay, as soon as all of the bumps get ironed out I’ll be back to posting two to three things of the weird and nerdery variety a day.
Anyway, this is a PSA that I’m checking out the Wii U tonight in downtown Seattle. I’m not entirely sure what to expect from the event, but I imagine it’s something along the lines of this:
I’m STOKED I signed up for this event because it allows me to feel absolutely NO guilt about completely ignoring the Nintendo booth at PAX Prime (;D) — specifically Zombie U. Seriously, that game kicked my ass at E3 and I’m determined to get my revenge. As in I’m determined not to die within the first forty-five seconds of the demo. ANY PROGRESS IS GOOD PROGRESS.
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