Mario Valentine’s Day Comic — NSFW, But HILARIOUS

valentine's day comic

Many, MANY thanks to my dear friend Jill for sending this my way. I thought it was hilarious as balls, but a few reactions I’ve received are a bit on the, erm, awkward and offended side so I figured my best bet would be to post it here with a disclaimer. You know, in case pure eyeballs saw it and became scarred for life. Because slang for human anatomy.

Speaking of Valentine’s Day — do you have any specific plans? I wonder what Mario and Peach would do on Valentine’s Day. Probably take a nice stroll through Mushroom Kingdom and get fucked up on Mushrooms. I mean, what IS there to do in the Mushroom Kingdom besides talk to fungus people and induce yourself into another state of mind via edibles? On the flip side, I think Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule would be a MUCH better place to have a romantic evening. Think about it! Go for a walk along Lake Hylia and watch the sun rise, peruse the castle market, check out the amazing Gerudo Valley — and when all is said and done, go boink like rabbits behind the windmill in Kakariko Village.


(via 9GAG)


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