OHAI GUYS! Guuuuuuuuess what? Loot Crate and I are now internet besties, which means every month you’ll see my giddy-ass unboxing a crate! Remember, you can get in on the fun and subscribe for your very own Loot Crate! Alls’ you gotta do is head over here and enter discount code Alistair (c’mon, don’t act surprised) and you’ll save 10%! DON’T SAY I NEVER DID ANYTHING FOR YOU.
The shirt that you wore, it’s Deadpool + Kool-aid guy, so it’s “Dead Kool-pool” I guess…
OH DUH. Right.
I prefer, “Pool-Aid Man.”
Whoop! just used your code & subscribed :)
YAY! So stoked! We’ll have to talk about our awesome lewt every month :D
Seriously, you have to eat a warhead in every unboxing. That totally made the video for me. ;-)
Ahahaha, okay, we’ll see… ;)
I’m just saying, I’m easily amused.
i think ur hair is awesome