(post supplied and written by the rad folks at LFGdating!)
You know what the best part of finding a significant other is? The fact that they are significant. Period. They’re not ok, so-so or pretty cool. They’re even beyond awesome. They are significantly awesome.
LFGdating wants to be the part of your life that helps you find your significant other. We’re not trying to be the spotlight – far from it. We just want to help start that first conversation. We want to help you experience that feeling in the bottom of your stomach when you realize that the person you want to talk to just messaged you back. It’s so warm and fuzzy. And awesome.
So who are our members you will meet? People who love to game, geek out and do every nerdy thing possible. We have members who play iOS games sparingly to self-proclaimed hard core World of Warcraft raiders. We have members who want to do nothing but watch an entire season of Death Note on a Friday night. We also have members who want to do nothing but find every different ending to Heavy Rain in one weekend. Oh, and we have members who love to discuss everything Tolkien and Harry Potter.
In fact, our members are the single, most important part of LFGdating. Nothing is more important than listening to our members, upgrading our site to meet their needs and helping them build their profiles. When our other co-founder Patrick and I started LFGdating, we never knew how much pleasure we would take from conversing with our members. I am proud to say that our site is growing and evolving based on the needs of our members. There is no better way to say that our members are the most important part of us than to build our site around them.
And where has this gotten us? It’s gotten us to the point where we are the world’s best dating site for when you want your SO to be a gamer, geek or anything in between. We send you our own personal email addresses, so when you have questions, you get us – not a customer service team. We’re your biggest advocates. And Patrick plays a mean Goldeneye Control level. I had to say that somewhere in here.
In parting, if you think you’d like to stop by and create a profile, we highly encourage you to do so! You may read more about Patrick and myself in our Founder’s Story (did you know Patrick is a Marine?). What better way to build credibility than to share our story with you? And if you wonder why you haven’t heard of us yet, it’s because we’re a relatively young company. But don’t worry. We’ve broken new member, subscriber, daily messaging, traffic and page view records consistently over the past year. And want to hear a fun Frommer’s fact? 2015 is already dwarfing 2014.
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