Remember the SNAFU with my Sega Saturn?
The seller was kind enough to allow me to send the console back for a replacement (from the sounds of it, this dude has ‘em laying all over his house. WANTTTT) so I sent that broken piece of junk to him last Monday. It’s been a little over a week, and I’m seriously going through withdrawals. Granted, I wasn’t able to even fire up the Saturn but I had hyped myself up SO HARD for Panzer Dragoon Saga. So, consequently, when the Saturn didn’t work I received the ultimate case of limp-dick syndrome.
And I’ll have you know my dick is still limp.
To rub salt in the wound, here’s an article I just stumbled upon while reading one of my recently acquired vintage game magazines.
You are 3 hours away from another one!
The seller’s name is GleasonGames. A sign?