1) Get 75% of my shit moved over to my new apartment. I’m not shooting for 100% because I’m a lazy bastard. While I’m “officially” moving in tonight, I can leave whatever I don’t get moved over at my current place. So yeah, if I can get my desktop set up in my woman cave and get my clothes transferred and hung up in my closet, I’ll consider this weekend’s moving a success.
2) Finish Dragon Age: Origins. I think it’s safe to assume that this is an attainable goal. While I need to get a few things done with my new pad, I’ll have all weekend to do that. In fact, I have a three day weekend! EEEEE. If I can get 75% of my shit moved in tonight and tomorrow, I’ll have all day Sunday and Monday to play DA:O. WINNING. …ugh. I just said winning. I promised myself I wouldn’t succumb to that meme.
3) Go to a garage sale (or ten). I haven’t made a post about my obsession with garage sales yet, have I? Have I mentioned a whole heckuva lot of my games come from garage sales? But anywho, ’tis the season for them and that means oblivious people will dig out their old, classic video games and sell them for dirt cheap. Just to give you a few example of lots I’ve bought in the past:
I’m addicted to garage saling. IT’S THE THRILL OF THE HUNT.
4) Enjoy myself and relax! I only have a few of these low-key weekends left before the madness starts up again (flying to California two weekends in a row? Halp) so I will enjoy it by playing video games, eating junk food and watching terrible reality television. And I refuse to wear anything besides pajamas.
Hope you enjoy your weekend!
Now those are some fantastic AND attainable weekend plans! So what do you call your dino creation? Brittasaurus? Tricerabritts? Trogdor the Burninator? Actually I think one of those may already be taken…..
That Dinobritt pic is just precious. :)