Ladies and gentlemen, this morning I woke up to the most glorious sight. Actually, I take that back. The first thing I woke up to my mug because I had somehow turned on the “selfie” application on my iPhone. But the SECOND thing I woke up to this morning was glorious, and it was this lovely, lovely email:
Despite my lethargy I was able to mutter a sound that was supposed to be full of glee, but ended up sounding like something dying in a dark corner of an abandoned garage. Oh well.
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition — which includes the base game AND Reaper of Souls — slithers (I love that word) into stores on August 19th for the Xbox One, PS4 ($59.99), and the Xbox 360 and PS3 ($39.99). Saves from PS3 and Xbox 360 will transfer over to next-gen consoles.
THAT’S RIGHT, FOLKS. My fierce barbarian Buttsex, who was hatched on the Xbox 360, will live to see another day. This is freakin’ swell.
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