::bites lip:: D…does anyone around these parts have a bottle of lube and a box of tissue handy? Man, I know Diablo III caught a lot of flack (noticeably moreso from PC gamers) but I had a helluva good time playing the game on the 360. “I NEED MORE FURY!” is actually a part of my daily dialogue now. So of fucking COURSE I’m extremely excited and turned on for the expansion, Reaper of Souls.
Reaper of Souls is coming to PC on March 25th, and will also be included in the PS4 version, Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition, which is coming later this year. Rumors of an Xbox One release have been making the rounds as well, but either way, you best believe I’mma have myself a copy of this fine piece of gaming paraphernalia.
Excuse me. I have, erm, business to take care of. ::slowly shuts bedroom door:: ::turns off lights:: ::fires up a candle:: ::unbuttons pants:: ::watches the trailer again::
I already have mine preordered and I’m grinding my way up to 60 on my swanky new PC. BTW you should totally get it on the PC, the digital version is only $20 till the expansion comes out or you can get the bundle with the expansion for $60