A gaming disorder? Or is it just me? lol
June 6, 2009
Even though I have played hundreds of games in my 21 year existence, only a fraction of those I have actually stuck with and beaten.
I don’t know what it is…I will get so far into a game and just…stop and move on. Just lose interest. I know its not because the games I have been playing are sucky or anything. I mean, last time I checked FFVII sold about 10 million copies and was deemed one of the best games to ever grace our presence. YEEES confession. I haven’t even played FFVII all the way through. I put many hours into it many years ago (and sincerely enjoyed it) but somehow something came up and I just never got back into it.
I think, honestly, the last game I played all the way through was Gears of War 2. Sigh…I have been at the last stage in RE5 for a while now, just haven’t picked it up and played it anymore…and I just started playing Xenogears for the first time (Yay for garage sales, picked it up for 2 bucks) and that game is FUN. Never beat it, though. I really dig the combat in it, it kind of reminds me the Legend of Legaia series (Oh yeah. Duel Saga? Had over 100 hours into that bad boy and never finished it). Sometimes I wonder (since I mostly play RPGS) if because the story can last sooo long, I just fizz out? Maybe I have Videogame ADD lol
This ties into the following: Currently I’m playing WOW. I reaaally never thought I would tackle that one but one of my family members pretty much said “Hey if I get this for you, will you play it?” and I guess deep down I wanted to experience the disease that is World of Warcraft and MMORPGs. My friend swears I’m going to get sick of WOW, and we have a nice little wager of $20 bucks that I won’t last 3 months. It definitely is holding my attention(for now) but I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of someone getting sick of this one, but we’ll see if I’m the first! :)
Does anyone else go through this? Play halfway through a game (or even farther), devote hours upon hours into a game and just stops? Anyone?
Britt’s Note:
Just by reading this post I can tell how nervous I was about posting. Does that make sense? For the first time ever, my thoughts, opinions and words were on display to anyone who stumbled upon them. It can be a pretty intimidating thought.
But onto the point of this post…yes, I have gaming ADD. Ugh. I never finished that last level in Resident Evil 5, never completed Xenogears (which sucks because it’s a great game) or any of the Legaia games. SIGH. Now, about World of Warcraft…haaaaaah. That game became my crack for eight months, until I somehow burned out on it. But I still visit it from time to time, and frequently go on month-long WoW binges. I blame my family. Yes, my family. They are the ones that consistently play WoW and remind me how fun it is.
hah, If I had your game collection I would have gaming ADD as well. I also think it comes down to japanese game design philosophy, most japanese companies try to make their games cheap yet lengthy (devil may cry 4 really reminds me of this) like the idea of grinding out materials and levels for the final boss of many JRPGS. It doesn’t push the already lengthy story forward and stretches the repetition heavy turn based combat system out far to thinly. I don’t think gameplay makes JRPGS fun.
Games like WoW however do quick bursts of satisfaction. It makes you do little tasks which give you a little reward and progress you towards something that will change the way you play the game slighty (leveling Up). They also have the advantage of family roping you back in.thats just my little rant.
I wouldn’t have read your old post as being nervous but now that you mention it I can see alot of hesitation. a lot of (bit of information) which generally means its extra and that I can skip it. This is a great example of refinement for other gaming bloggers. Glad to see you are confident in your assertions now. love the blog Britt keep it up!