Omg, do you remember the pause music for battle toads?! STOMP CLAP STOMP CLAP STOMP CLAP CLAP CLAP. I used to piss off my cousin by pausing the game ALL the time!!! Lmao! Favorite system – mines tough just cuz of how little time I have to game, and how long I ditched gaming because I became so addicted to it. It’s a toss up between PS2 and wii u. Great video! The letters are fun, I might have to write you one.
I never did play Toomba, sounds pretty fun though! I was to much of a Nintendo fanboy back then, so never owned a Playstation sadly. Thank you for answering my questions, can’t believe my letter was the first one!
PAX is fun, I will be going for 2015 for sure!
Wait… Wait… Your fans send you money? Man, I need to get in shape… :P
For the record, you’re not getting old. You’re getting awesome!
Omg, do you remember the pause music for battle toads?! STOMP CLAP STOMP CLAP STOMP CLAP CLAP CLAP. I used to piss off my cousin by pausing the game ALL the time!!! Lmao! Favorite system – mines tough just cuz of how little time I have to game, and how long I ditched gaming because I became so addicted to it. It’s a toss up between PS2 and wii u. Great video! The letters are fun, I might have to write you one.
Doing all side quests first (or as they open up) is the only and best way to go when playing games
I never did play Toomba, sounds pretty fun though! I was to much of a Nintendo fanboy back then, so never owned a Playstation sadly. Thank you for answering my questions, can’t believe my letter was the first one!