1. The shit I wanna ask Britt is…..In my opinion it seems that a LOT of female video game bloggers don’t actually play or know much about actual gaming and use the blog to try to advance their other non gaming interests while YOU seem to keep it GAMES first in your own heart and on your blog…sooooooo my question is how do you stay so awesome??? P.S. DON’T spill your Jack. THAT’S ALCOHOL ABUSE!!!

      • Sorry if you have already answered or been asked this before (I couldn’t find it if you have) but it is the main reason why I love and keep coming back to your site after abandoning so many others.

  2. Oh hey Britt, I see you’re making youtube vids again <3 I may or may have not have seen every single one of the them!! Hope you keep this series going always fun to hear your responses.

  3. Thanks again for answering my question Britt! DBZ IS GRRRRRREAT! How did the Battle of The Gods Premiere go?!!

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