Ask Britt Shit #11!

OHAI! This is a thing I’m doing now, where you can ask me questions and such. I know, I know. It’s such an original concept I’m quite surprised no one else has ever tried it before. This week we’re gettin’ real with yours truly bestowing some of my favorite advice, AND my favorite “next-gen” console.

If you REALLY want to send me a written letter, send it to:

PMB 203
3915 Martin Way E
Olympia WA 98506

(This would seriously make my life.)


  1. Cool Brittney! Never realized how true your advice was about not letting the negative people bringing me down until a little while ago. Although I haven’t tried to brand myself on the internet yet, I think it would be fun. Not exactly the same situation but people would put me down at work, even though I knew I was doing a pretty good job. But then I worked the same job at a different building and realized people appreciated more the same job I was doing at the first building so yeah being around nice people makes all the difference in the long run cause I can be myself.

    • Awesome, glad to hear you got away from that BS. If you ever decide to take the plunge into online branding or whatever, let me know! :)

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