Hoboyohboy. I’m SO insanely pumped to start up Arkham City; I’ve been thinking about it all. effing. day. In fact, it’s currently nested on my couch, awaiting my fingers to tear into its shit.
So why am I writing this blog entry when I could be tearing into aforementioned shit, you ask? BECAUSE I’M ONE DEDICATED MOTHERFUCKER, THAT’S WHY. That being said, I’m going to keep this entry short as possible.
I had to venture over to Wikipedia and YouTube to refresh my Arkham Aslyum memory, as I had completely forgotten about the Venom/Titan fiasco, which you know, kindaaaa was huge deal in the game. (Ugh. I hate it how I forget game events so easily—which is why I started keeping a log of the games I play, FYIZZLE!) So, what do I know about Arkham City? Not a lot, except that hooligans are running rampant throughout Gotham. Or something. I know Robin looks like Eminem and Cole from Infamous. I know Catwoman is playable. If this game does well (DERP) the series will continue, according to Rocksteady.
And that, my friends, is pretty much all of the Arkham City information my brain currently holds. (I’ve stayed far away from Arkham City articles!).
I’ve heard the scores, so I expect nothing less than a stellar experience with Arkham City.
AND NOW…I go to bed.
Lame salsa.
After watching the 4h livestream yesterday I’m even more excited than before. Even played it for a while at Gamescom this year and it felt more of the same, which was good. (who doesn’t like a bigger spoonful of awesome?)
What sickens me though is that PC aficionados have to wait for it… again.
But it’ll come out eventually and won’t tease a ‘maybe’ release date like Rockstar does with Red Dead Redemption.
Gah, I can’t wait!!! And feeling the same is good. I loved everything about Arkham Asylum!
Yeah, I feel bad for the kiddos that were holding out for a RDR PC release. Rockstar is a cocktease.
I just got the game today. I think I’ll go play it now.
I\m getting it for x-mas and will play it during the xmas break