ABOUT TIME, I SAY! /shakes cane manically while foaming at the mouth
GUYS. I played SO much Pokémon Go around the time of its buggy, flawed launch, and I had so, SO, SOOOOO much fun with the damn thing. Not only that, but I found myself outside more than ever, getting more exercise than I had in years and I met a ton of awesome people as I meandered through the city. (Thankfully I never stumbled across any corpses unlike a few of my fellow hunters.) I’d pull off midnight stakeouts at gyms. I’d host “evolution parties.” I also spent way more money than I ever intended, but hey. Worth it.
Sadly, once the Pokémon pickin’s got slim, my fiery burning passion for Pokémon catching slowly fizzled out. Now? I haven’t touched the damn thing in months.
I’ve always said that as *soon* as more Pokémon are interrelated into the app I’ll pick it up again, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. The new features are also welcomed – Pokémon Go, in my opinion, launched too early and unfortunately I think it lost a large portion of its potential audience because of that. Hopefully we’ll see some snazzy marketing – dare I say almost a reboot of sorts? – that will draw some of that lost crowd back.
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